bicycle infrastructure

Plunger-Protected Bike Lanes #Winning

In many cities, concern for bicycle infrastructure is improving. (That’s in spite of distressing political moves to eliminate healthful, people-friendly, air-friendly transportation options such as bicycling.) In other cities, it is more difficult to change those settings due to to the car-centric mindset of the residents and policymakers there. However, promoting change with inexpensive, innovative barriers has helped a few cities to shift toward two-wheeled, pedal-powered transport. Here are two examples of such an approach, followed by an explanation:

Loved Dutch Bikeway Design Manual Now Updated!

Word of mouth is a way of education that continues to be powerful in the midst of societal and technological change. In the impassioned subcultures I frequent, activities growing fast because of word of mouth include bicycling, urban farming, and organic farming. For those subcultures, word of mouth seems more powerful than anything else. The word comes from someone doing rather than telling, and that is largely the force of change.