Author: slacey

Solar 1/3 of World Energy Supply in 2060? Conservative IEA Thinks So

The International Energy Agency is notoriously conservative on projections for renewable energy. The agency has embraced the need for more clean electricity and fuels to address climate change and peak oil, but its outlook for the future is usually far more conservative than how reality plays out.

So when an official at the IEA says we could get up to one third of our global energy supply from solar photovoltaics, concentrating solar power, and solar hot water by 2060, that’s a fairly big piece of news. But even that projection may be conservative. […]

Congress Killing Wind Energy Jobs, Bipartisan Governors Group States (Congress Less Popular than BP, IRS,…

I’m not sure how many open letters I’ve read over the years from businesses and state-level political leaders urging Congress to extend short-term tax credits to renewables. It’s a lot. And it’s kind of sad that I’m still reading them. The latest letter, written by a bi-partisan coalition of governors who support … [continued]