Month: June 2011

CleanTechnica Survey (Reminder)

Reminder: if you haven’t filled out our reader survey yet (and you don’t visit the homepage often enough to see that it is stuck to the top of the page), please fill this out!

We want all readers’ and potential readers’ responses on this so we can try to best satisfy your wishes.

California Ships 100% Solar Powered Rice to Japan

The U.S. agricultural sector is beginning to take on a leadership role in the transition to renewable energy, and the latest example is the California rice industry’s adoption of solar power. In a first of its kind partnership, several California rice companies po0led their stock to put together an entire shipment of rice that was not only grown with solar energy (the sun, right?), but also dried, stored, milled and packaged at solar powered facilities.

True Value of Solar Power

I wrote recently on the costs of wind power and how they compare to the costs of traditional forms of power like coal and nuclear when you take externalities and other subsidies into account. I was going to wait until I wrapped up our “comprehensive wind power page” to write on this topic for solar power, but a new report out from the Institute for Local Self Reliance pushed me into the topic a little early.